Monday, May 19, 2014

May 19, 2014 - GAWAI PARTY!

Hey guys! So lots of things happened, both good and bad. I don't really want to talk about the bad things right now, but as for the good things: GAWAI PARTY!
On Saturday it was kind of a bonus day. We had the Gawai party at night, but it was also Christina's birthday that day too. So I decided to make brownies with Martha in the morning, and after that we went to suprise Christina (who was helping with the decorations at the church)
Bought some vanilla ice cream to top it all off. :) yummy. :)
That night we had our Gawai party that started around 7:30pm and we had a bunch of activities. My branch thought I was leaving so they included me in a lot of the activities.
One being an egg eating contest, trying to open and eat 4 hard boiled eggs the fastest. (I can open them up really quickly, but I threw up after 3. I hate hard boiled eggs by themselves.)
Then there was a dance competition to do the traditional Ngajat dance. There is techniques to doing it, but the people here just want to see the white people try doing it. It involved using a sword, so I enjoyed swinging it around (while still trying to not cut myself)
The 4 sungai plan elders (including me) did a dance to a mixture of songs that we put together including Oppan Gangam style, what does the fox say, cant touch this, etc. it was just a silly little dance we put together. :)
I took a lot of pictures, unfortunately I cant upload them right now. the computers are too slow. Hopeflly next week we'll be back to our normal internet kedai. Also, we got transfers. And I'm staying in Bintulu for the fifth transfer.
Elder Vincent

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